Friday, October 31, 2014

Everyday Oils Family Recipes - FREE!!

I hate to go on and on with the free stuff, but who could help it?  It's FREE!  LavenderLobby has put together ANOTHER beautiful brochure for your own information or to share with others.  The "Vapor Rub" will be my first test....I already have all of the ingredients and RC happens to be one of my favorite go-to oils for colds/allergies/flu!  Look at this:

I hope you are able to use and enjoy the FREEBIEs from the past few days.  If nothing else, print and keep in your EO Notebook! :)  Don't have any essential oils?  Click here to get started!

Be sure and thank LavenderLobby for her brochures and read the guidelines before using!!  Go here to do so!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Everyday Oils Brochure - FREE!!

I'm all about the FREE and this tri-fold brochure created by LavenderLobby is beautiful!  You are welcome to add your information to the appropriate box, but no other changes are allowed.  These are great for giving potential customers or new members!  I always keep copies in my EO notebook for reference later!!

Be sure and drop by and let her know what you think!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Free Flyer

I LOVE graphics.....and I LOVE flyers even more!  LavenderLobby has offered FREE use of the following flyers for all!!  Print these to add to your Essential Oils notebook or to pass out during a class.  All that is needed is your information and you have a colorful, and professional quality flyer for any event.

I have printed these out to keep in my Essential Oils notebook for reference information.  

If you like what you see, please let her know here:

Curious about Essential Oils, but not sure where to start?  Visit to get started!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Chicken Ranch Nachos

I HAVE to share this with you.  There's a local restaurant in town that my family and I like to frequent (and support as it's owned by neighbors) called Something Different.  There are so many good things on the menu, but my absolute favorite is the Chicken Ranch Nachos.  So, being that eating out often does not make "cents", I began my own exploration to find a way to make these awesome nachos at home.  What I have come up with is easy and inexpensive and definitely worthy of the "Simple Cents" label.  :)

Here's the recipe:

Chicken Ranch Nachos
Serves 4

4 frozen boneless, skinless Chicken Breasts
1 jar of Salsa
1/8 cup of Taco Seasoning
2 cups Shredded Cheddar Cheese
1 bag of Tortilla Chips (any brand)
Ranch dressing (homemade is preferable)

1.  Place all four breasts into a crockpot.  Sprinkle breasts with taco seasoning and pour salsa over all.  Place lid on pot and cook all day on low or 4 hours on high.

2.  When ready for dinner, shred one breast per plate of nachos (if serving an adult).  Layer as follows:  tortilla chips on bottom of plate, scattered shredded chicken over chips, and sprinkle shredded cheese over all. 

3.  Place plate in toaster oven or oven just until cheese is melted.  Once you've melted the cheese, drizzle ranch dressing over plate and serve.

DELICIOUS!!  Try it and let me know what you think! :)

Monday, October 27, 2014

Cold Sores

Cold Sores are recurrent, localized sores caused by the Herpes Simplex virus.  The sores become tiny blisters that start as a tingling sensation and quickly become an inflamed, red area typically occurring around the mouth.  Once a person is exposed to the virus, it can lay dormant until fatigue or stress causes an outbreak.  Highly contagious during the blister stage, they are more irritating than serious.  Wondering if there is anything to support your immune system?  Try this as soon as the familiar tingling sensation starts:

Apply 1-2 drop of Young Living's Lavender or Melaleuca Alternifolia oil directly to the sore 

Where can your order your oils?  Click here:

Information taken from:  Healing with Herbs:  Simple Treatments for More Than 100 Common Ailments by Penelope Ody

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

YL Soothing Throat Spray

  With all the talk of cold and flu season arriving, I like to look at natural ways to treat the symptoms associated with each of these.  I came across this DIY Sore Throat Spray (from The Common Sense Mom) that is made with Young Living Essential Oils and decided to share it with you.  You will definitely find it in my medicine cabinet this winter for kids and adults alike.

Here's the recipe:

1/4 oz. vodka
1 1/2 oz. purified water
10 drops YLEO Thieves blend
5 drops YLEO Peppermint Oil
5 drops YLEO Lemon Oil
2 drops Stevia or 1 tsp. Honey
2 oz. Glass Spray Bottle

Blend together and store in a 2 oz. dark glass bottle.  Spray 1-2 squirts on back of throat for soothing relief.


Not sure where to get Young Living Essential Oils?  Visit my website at for more information.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Herbs and Viruses

I'm copying this post onto my blog, mainly for my own reference.  However, the information is so good, I also wanted to share it with you.  This comes from the Bulk Herb Store's Newsletter dated 10/17/2014.  I will attach a link at the bottom of this post. :)

Ebola is a virus. You can fight a virus better with a balanced body and a strong immune system. There are many herbs that are Antiviral, Antibacterial, and Immune Boosters. Even though Ebola is a virus, killing bad bacteria and promoting Good Bacteria in your gut helps balance your body and Boost Your Immune System to fight viruses.
Right now my favorite herbal remedies to keep my family happy and healthy are:

How to make:

Antiviral Herbs:

Probiotic Herbs:

Immune Boosters:

Body-Balancing Herbs:

Herbs to Cook With:

Healthy Foods:

  • Food is medicine. What you eat and consume on a daily bases impacts your body. We can weaken it or strengthen it with the things we consume.
  • Lots of Fruits & Vegetables – Fresh Organic Juicing is good.
  • Grass Fed & Organic Meats - Instead of conventionally raised meats (also, don’t overeat meats).
  • Probiotic & Enzymes - Happy Gut, Fermented Foods like apple cider vinegar (with the Mother), sauerkraut & other fermented vegetables, Coconut & water kefir, & kombucha.
  • Vitamin D, Vitamin C, & Zinc - Do not overdue your vitamin D intake. Vitamin D is great but more is not better.
  • Chia Seeds, coconut oil, pumpkin seeds, coconut water, Beets & leafy greens.
  • Water Filter - I use the Berkey Water Filtration System.

Foods to Avoid:

  • Any Processed Food
  • GMO Fruits & Vegetables - Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO).
  • Sugars - Especially refined.
  • Gluten - Wheat, most grains & many flours.
  • Casein - Dairy like milk & cheese.
Right now there is no proven cure for Ebola, but it is a virus and we can do our best to strengthen our bodies’ immune system and be healthier for it.
Learn & Live Well,
Shoshanna Easling
Recommended Reading On Ebola:

Originally published on the Bulk Herb Store's Herb Pearls Newsletter dated 10/17/2014 by Shoshanna Easling.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

DIY Mouthwash with Young Living Oils

I CANNOT wait to try this!  I love ideas and recipes that are non-toxic (NO chemicals!) and SAVE MONEY!!  Want to try this for yourself?  Visit and sign up as a Distributor (to save yourself 24% off retail) or Customer!!  :)

Friday, October 10, 2014

Vanilla Nutmeg Banana Smoothie

Give your mornings a boost with this super yummy, super good for you smoothie!!

Mix 2 cups milk, 2 chopped bananas, a handful of ice cubes and 1 teaspoon of honey.  Add 1 drop of Young Living's Nutmeg essential oil and some vanilla extract to taste.

Excellent morning starter!!!

Money Wise.......

My Thieves Household Cleaner is one of my favorite products from Young Living.  With so many uses, it is my go-to cleaner for any messes, sicknesses or deep cleaning in my house.  There are far more than 20 uses for it and each capful makes a spray bottle of cleaner. 

I use it on toilets, floors, cabinets, counter-tops, kitchen appliances, garbage cans, door knobs and light switches, tubs and showers.  I use it to deodorize, sanitize, and re-fresh.

I use it to wash my laundry, dishes, and dog.  It is MULTI PURPOSE!! 

With all of these uses, and the number of bottles that I can make with just 64 oz. of cleaner, why would I spend more on other chemically-filled cleaners?  Money wise.....Thieves Household Cleaner is the best choice for my family! :)

Thursday, October 9, 2014

6 Natural Remedies for Nausea

Almost everyone gets a queasy stomach once in a while, whether it’s motion sickness from a car or rollercoaster, morning sickness from pregnancy, a symptom of an illness, or a side effect of medications. Lucky for us, there are some simple natural remedies that can help. Here are a few tips:

  • Avoid Triggers. Pay attention to what causes nausea, and mentally mark them as “triggers” to avoid.
  • Try to avoid bothersome odors such as perfume, smoke, or certain cooking smells. Get plenty of fresh air. Using an essential oil or blend like AromaEase™ to block bothersome odors can also be refreshing and relaxing.
  • Ginger is a popular natural remedy for quelling queasiness. Look for ginger ale made with real ginger or add a little ginger to a glass of water.
  • Try sipping peppermint tea, especially after eating. Peppermint or ginger-flavored lozenges may also help.
  • If you suffer from motion sickness, optimize your position to reduce motion or motion perception. For example, driving a vehicle instead of riding in it, sitting in the front seat of a car or bus, or sitting over the wing of an aircraft.

Essential oils are also a great way to help calm and soothe the body. Peppermint, for example, has been used traditionally to support normal digestion.* Spearmint also supports digestion* and brings feelings of calm. Young Living’s new essential oil blend AromaEase™ contains essential oils to help soothe occasional stress. Diffuse, breathe in directly from the bottle, or apply topically to help support healthy energy flow and vitality.

Use any of these suggestions to help you with your queasy quandary!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Posted originally here:

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ever wondered about ER or Essential Rewards?

Still have questions?  Contact me.......It's an incredible program and GREAT DEAL!!

Friday, October 3, 2014

Citrus Fresh-Lime Baked Chicken

The simple things in life are what make it worth living. Dinnertime is one of those simple things. It is a time to gather around a dinner table with loved ones to enjoy a delicious, home-cooked meal that was prepared with the sole purpose of pleasing those you care about. Add to that the element of 100% pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils, and you have now enhanced dinnertime with nutrients the way Young Living and nature intended.

That being said, it is time to share another mouth-watering dinner suggestion: This month’s recipe comes from health coach and Young Living distributor­ Tara Rayburn.

Citrus Fresh-Lime Baked Chicken

Recipe modified from Essential Gluten-Free Recipes by Tara Rayburn and Mary Vars

• organic, whole chicken
• 1/2 cup coconut oil
• 1/2 whole garlic bulb, peeled and crushed
• 1 medium yellow onion
• 1 lemon, quartered
• 1/2 lime, quartered

• 1 tsp. turmeric
• 3/4 tsp. cumin
• 1/4 tsp. sea salt
• 1 tsp. rosemary or a large bunch of fresh rosemary sprigs
• 1/8 tsp. black pepper or lemon pepper

Young Living Essential Oils:
• 3–5 drops Citrus Fresh™ essential oil blend
• 3–5 drops lime essential oil

• Heat oven to 350° Fahrenheit.
• Remove gizzards and goodies from the inside of the chicken. (Don’t laugh—it’s easy to forget!)
• Use glass baking pan and spread with coconut oil.
• Chop garlic and onion.
• Combine all spices in small glass cup, add essential oils, and mix with a toothpick.
• Quarter lemons and limes, squeeze over chicken.
• Stuff chopped garlic, onion, lemons, and limes into the chicken.
• Trickle overflow chopped items and add any optional vegetable(s) (potatoes or other favorites) around the chicken. Place extra fresh rosemary sprigs around the inside of the pan.
• Baste chicken 1–3 times while baking.
• Bake for approximately 1 hour 30 minutes.

 Bon appetite!

Reminder:  Only Young Living oils are Certified as GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe), or as food additives, by the FDA.

Taken from: