Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Let's Talk Mosquito Repellents......

Mosquitos....they make us think of summertime.  Unfortunately, that's not the only time these pesky creatures visit.  (You should see my legs from this past weekend...!)  Most people would grab their chemically laden repellents and be done, but that's not how we prefer to do things around our house. 

I will say that not all repellents are alike.  We've been using a Burt's Bees product for years, but it's an oil and I don't like that.  I don't want to have to shower EVERY time I come in from outside.  SO....my friend offered a couple of recipes for NATURAL (chemical free, toxin free) Mosquito Repellents that are made with essential oils.  They both smell nice and are light!  Here they are:

Bug-Free Summer Spray
3 1/2 oz. witch hazel
1/2 tsp. lemongrass oil
1/2 tsp. eucalyptus oil
1/2 tsp. citronella oil
Combine all four ingredients in a 4 oz. glass spray bottle. Mix all ingredients in the bottle by shaking vigorously.  Shake well before each use and reapply as needed

Herbal Mosquito Repellent
8 oz. catnip hydrosol (can be purchased from Mountain Rose Herbs)
20 drops cedarwood essential oil
20 drops lavender essential oil
10 drops lemongrass  essential oil
10 drops lemon essential oil
Slowly drip each essential oil into the hydrosol, counting as you go.  Mix all ingredients in the bottle by shaking vigorously.  Shake well before each use and reapply as needed.

There you have them...two great "recipes" for you to try.  Which one do you prefer?
Slowly drip each essential oil into the hydrosol, counting with care as you go. Mix all ingredients in the bottle by shaking vigorously. Shake well before each use and reapply as often as needed. - See more at: http://mountainroseblog.com/herbal-mosquito-repellents/#sthash.sZRfOmcl.dpuf
Slowly drip each essential oil into the hydrosol, counting with care as you go. Mix all ingredients in the bottle by shaking vigorously. Shake well before each use and reapply as often as needed. - See more at: http://mountainroseblog.com/herbal-mosquito-repellents/#sthash.sZRfOmcl.dpuf

Monday, September 29, 2014

Sassy Water

Essential Oil "Sassy" Water

I found this through another "oiler" and love it!  This healthy substitute for sodas and other carbonated or high sugar drinks is made of filtered water with lemon and orange essential oils and a dab of stevia.  It's absolute yummy-ness!!

My new favorite drink has so many benefits for me:
  • Tastes great
  • Gives my throat that quenched, well lubricated feeling
  • Gives me energy
  • Enhances my mood
  • Helps diminish hay fever symptoms
  • Improves my digestion
  • Strengthens my immunity
  • Acts as a gentle expectorant for mucus in my throat
  • Even helps prevent cancer (believe it or not)
Essential Oil Sassy Water Recipe:

2 quarts pure water
15 drops lemon essential oil
15 drops orange essential oil
heaping 1/4 tsp of Pure Stevia Extract Powder

I sprinkle in the stevia first and add the oils as I’m filling up my pitcher. This way it stirs itself. Some of the oils will rise to the top, but the flavor still goes through all the water.

I try to always keep it in a glass containers, since essential oils break down plastic and I use stainless straws!  I LOVE them!!

Try it for yourself and let me know what you think! :)

See original article here:  http://www.momessentials.net/soda-substitute-essential-oil-water/

Disclaimer:  (Please see Simple Oils link across top for disclaimer)

Our family only purchases from Young Living. Their oils are the ONLY essential oils on the market, that have been approved for internal use. Young Living has established a reputation for having the best, natural and safest products for the body, home, and through aromatherapy. All of their products are organic, pure and natural. The oils are so potent that most uses require only one drop! 

Friday, September 26, 2014

FDA Targets Essential Oils: Sees EOs as Threat to New Ebola Drugs?

The FDA issued warning letters this week to the two largest distributors of essentials oils in the United Sates, Young Living and dōTERRA. The FDA is claiming that their products are being marketed as unapproved drugs. The companies have to remove all health claims and take corrective actions, or face very serious legal action, which can include armed federal marshals coming to their warehouses and seizing all of their inventory.
This is of course not the first time that the FDA has gone after companies selling natural products, products that could never be patented, for making health claims about those products. They have a history of issuing warning letters against the producers and marketers of such things as walnuts, cranberries, elderberry juice, coconut oil, and many more. The FDA requires that companies selling natural products and making health claims get their permission first, by going through a lengthy and costly drug approval process.
What is interesting about the FDA targeting these two distributors of essential oils is that they are network-based marketing companies with independent distributors marketing the products on their own websites or out of their homes. This situation presents some unique challenges for both the FDA in seeking compliance, as well as the companies, who will most certainly want to comply. The FDA is taking the position that these independent distributors are “paid consultants,” and that therefore the parent companies have direct control over how they market their products.
The two companies could choose to challenge the FDA’s assertion that they have control over how non-employees choose to distribute their products, especially if the parent companies have issued guidelines and restrictions on how their products can be marketed that do comply with FDA requirements.
With thousands — if not tens of thousands — of distributors of essential oils in the marketplace, the companies could argue that it is nearly impossible for them to ensure 100% compliance, and argue that it is the FDA’s responsibility to enforce compliance of independent businesses. It would be like distributors of soft drinks putting up websites or producing marketing materials claiming their products cured diabetes. Would that be Coke or Pepsi’s fault if independent distributors chose to market their products in such a way without their approval? Wouldn’t the FDA have to go after the businesses making the “illegal” marketing claims, rather than punishing the parent company for the actions of their distributors?
But that won’t happen. Neither company will take the route of challenging the FDA. It would take years to litigate, and in the meantime the FDA would accomplish their goal, by seizing all of their inventory, possibly arresting the corporate leaders, and effectively putting them out of business while they attempt to challenge them in court.
But what happens if both companies do their best to warn and stop distributors from making health claims, but some do not? If the parent companies are aware of it, they would stop selling them their products. But who can police thousands or tens of thousands of independent distributors like that in a network-based marketing company?

Why is the FDA Targeting Essential Oil Distributors Now?

Because of the difficulties and intricacies of a network-based marketing company as mentioned above, the FDA probably has been hesitant to go after these two companies in the past. After all, these two companies have been around for many years, and the independent distributors have been making health claims for the essential oils for a very long time. So why is the FDA acting now?
The answer can clearly be seen in a mainstream media report of this action. In what reads more like a press release directly from the FDA, the Washington Post explains very clearly why the FDA is choosing to act at this time: because essential oils are making claims for being able to cure Ebola.
According to the FDA, these promotions — especially ones related to Ebola — are inaccurate but not unexpected. “Oftentimes with public health incidences, like Ebola or even during H1n1, we see products that are marketed, often online, that claim to treat or cure the disease…without FDA approval,” FDA spokeswoman Stephanie Yao said in an interview, adding that “these sorts of things pop up” in almost any public health crisis. (Source.)
The article reports that the FDA issued warning letters not only to the two large essential oils distributors, but also to the Natural Solutions Foundation, which is marketing a product called Nano Silver which could potentially kill the Ebola virus.
As has been documented in many other places, the Ebola crisis presents a huge market opportunity to the pharmaceutical industry to rush new drugs and vaccines into the market, and I have no doubt that one or more of these pharmaceutical giants have made complaints to the FDA against essential oils and other natural products that might cure Ebola. The U.S. government already owns a patent on the Ebola virus.
This FDA assault on essential oils appears to be a very extensive plan to eliminate as many health claims for essential oils as possible. Just days before issuing these warning letters, they edited a page on their website warning about the dangers of essential oils, adding quite a bit of text clearly designed to scare consumers of essential oils.

Here is the page that was up until just recently, which was last updated in March this year:
FDA Aromatherapy old FDA Targets Essentials Oils: Sees EOs as Threat to New Ebola Drugs?
And here is the much more lengthy page updated on August 22nd, but also revised on September 19th, just three days before issuing the warning letters to the essential oil companies:
FDA Aromatherapy New 575x1024 FDA Targets Essentials Oils: Sees EOs as Threat to New Ebola Drugs?

The new version contains significantly more warnings about how essential oils can be “toxic.” Yet, nothing has changed in terms of essential oils available in the marketplace, or how they are marketed, in many years.
As to warnings of toxicity, which are more toxic: FDA approved drugs, or non-approved essential oils?
Using statistics directly from the medical industry, we know that at least 106,000 deaths a year are attributed to FDA-approved prescription drugs, and this does not even include deaths due to over-the-counter drugs which can be purchased without a prescription. There are over 450 deaths a year just from acetaminophen (Tylenol), based on reports from poison control centers.
But according to annual reports from the American Association of Poison Control Centers Annual Reports of National Poison Data Systems (NPDS), deaths due to overdose of essential oils are very rare. There were none in their last report issued in 2012, and you have to go back to 2010 to find that there was one death in total, from ingesting too much eucalyptus oil.
So clearly essential oils are not a public health hazard, especially when compared to the much more toxic pharmaceutical drugs which are approved by the FDA.
For those rare cases where an injury occurs with essential oils, it is always from ingesting them. The most common uses of essential oils, by far, are topical (massage) and through the air (aromatherapy.) Even in the extremely rare cases of injury due to ingesting essential oils, there is no way of knowing if these particular cases were the result of pure essential oils that were 100% plant extracts, or if they were chemical-based fragrances designed for the perfume and fragrance industry, which are highly toxic.

FDA is Watching You on Social Media

Alexander Gaffney of the Regulatory Affairs Professionals Society is reporting that the FDA’s warning letters to these two essential oil companies does something the FDA has never done before: it cites Pinterest as a source of non-compliance and use of false advertising. Gaffney states:
FDA has long included references in its Warning Letters to the social media platforms Facebook and Twitter, and has gone as far as to determine that Facebook “Likes” can be construed as promotional claims that misbrand a product. But despite FDA issuing so-called “social media” guidance, it had yet to so much as mention on particular social network medium: Pinterest. Utah-based Young Living and dōTERRA International both maintain Pinterest accounts used to make false claims about their products, FDA said in its Warning Letters to each company.
The social network is an image-based platform characterized by people “pinning” images that they like to their accounts. For example, FDA maintains a Pinterest account where it pins infographics about its regulatory activities. FDA’s interest in Pinterest is notable in that the medium is far more difficult to scan than text-based platforms like Twitter and Facebook. (Source.)
That’s a lot of effort put in just to find marketing claims on health benefits of essential oils. What does this communicate about the efficacy of essential oils, and the threat they must present to the pharmaceutical industry? If these claims were being made simply for aromatic scents with no therapeutic value whatsoever, would the FDA go this much trouble?
herbs and essential oils FDA Targets Essentials Oils: Sees EOs as Threat to New Ebola Drugs?
The healing properties of aromatic plant oils (essential oils) have been known for thousands of years, predating modern medicine and pharmaceutical products.

Do Essential Oils Actually Cure Disease?

Absolutely. This is not even a matter of dispute, as the National Institute of Health’s own government database, PubMed.gov, lists thousands, if not tens of thousands, of peer-reviewed articles documenting research on the health properties of hundreds of different essential oils. We summarize much of that research in John Thomas’ article, Using Essential Oils to Cure Disease.
Essential oils, which are distilled aromatic plant oils, have been around and curing people for thousands of years. Many of the original pharmaceutical products were based on the curative properties of various plant oils. But since they cannot be patented, no one is going to step forward and pay the hundreds of millions of dollars required to get something approved by the FDA as a drug, especially if you do not own the patent on that product.
And the FDA would never approve it anyway, because they only approve products from a handful of pharmaceutical companies who control the industry. The only way anyone outside of this tightly controlled industry can hope to get a product approved by the FDA is to discover something that is patentable, get a patent, and then sell it to one of the major pharmaceutical companies. There is no other way.
So in the end, the FDA will be successful in significantly reducing the amount of information available to consumers about the healing properties of essential oils. Anyone can still publish that information because our Constitution still protects freedom of speech, but the FDA has taken that freedom away if the speech is used to promote a specific product for health claims. That is solely their domain, and the domain of powerful pharmaceutical companies.
One can challenge the FDA’s power in restricting free speech in the marketplace, as there have been a few cases where companies have challenged them and succeeded. There are no laws enacted by Congress restricting free speech in the marketplace for health claims. The FDA acts on the basis of their own authority.
Attempts to get Congress to pass legislation protecting that free speech from the overreach of the FDA have also failed, unfortunately, due to the powerful pharmaceutical lobby. So for most companies, if they want to stay in business, they really have no choice but to comply with the FDA.
In the meantime, the consumer in the U.S. has less and less access to non-pharmaceutical health information and natural remedies, such as the myriad of health benefits attributed to essential oils.

Taken from:  http://healthimpactnews.com/2014/fda-targets-essentials-oils-see-eos-as-threat-to-new-ebola-drugs/

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Great Idea for Empty Essential Oil Bottles

Have you found that you have saved all your empty Young Living essential oil bottles? I know I have, and they do smell lovely in the box I've been collecting them in. But, there must be something more we can do with them besides opening the box on occasion to enjoy the aroma. 

So, what I decided to do was go back through my empty bottles, one by one. I removed the reducer cap and poured each bottle into one 15 ml bottle. Now you might think this would be a waste of time, but it isn't. I managed to get two to three drops out of most bottles and some a bit more. With all my bottles, I ended up filling almost half of a 15 ml bottle with an array of wonderful scents.  What would one do with this precious oil you ask? Well, as I write this, I am sitting a my desk enjoying the assortment of oils, as I have filled my diffuser with my collection. That is pretty thrifty I would say.

Now I have a bunch of bottles I know are empty. But they're not done being used yet either. For instance, I can use an empty bottle of Peppermint as an inhaler, because the oils are volatile and some of it will cling to the sides of the bottle still leaving a wonderful aroma. I can use that if I feel a headache coming on, if I'm feeling tired while driving or just as a refreshing pick me up. 

Now, we have many other bottles and we don't want to use them all as inhaler's or waste the residue left in the bottle. So, the next thing we can do is draw a nice bath and place a few bottles in the bath water to scent it. After a few times of doing that we can still save the clean bottles for use when making blends or giving oils to someone. 

Another good idea is to fill the bottle with a bit of alcohol and distilled water, place a spray top on and make a spritzer for after the shower or just to refresh yourself. (Spray tops that fit our 15 ml bottles are available through Abundant Health) 

So, just in an hour of my time I have gotten myself a lot more use out of, what one might think, empty bottles of essential oils. And in the meantime saved the landfill from more waste. Happy Oiling!

Original post found here:  http://reuseemptyeobottles.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sore Neck or Pinched Nerve?

Sore neck?

What do I do for my sore neck?

This was me (not literally!) last week!  I had pinched a nerve in my neck by hugging my husband (of all things!)!  I couldn't look to the left at all and it was so sore, it was radiating down my left arm.  You know the drill......sore neck turns into sore shoulder, etc. 

I've had similar issues in the past and upon going to the doctor, was given prescriptions and weeks of physical therapy.  This time, I wanted to try alternative treatments before spending the money required when utilizing our healthcare system.  Therefore, I got out my oils book and went to researching...what could I use instead of Advil and Biofreeze or prescriptions and therapy?  This is what I found and here is what I did:

Deep Relief - rubbed over the sorest point (which was actually on my shoulder blade)
PanAway - two drops rubbed over the same spot and up onto my neck
Peppermint - two drops rubbed from shoulder to neck
Copaiba - two drops rubbed from shoulder to neck

It worked beautifully!  I was able to move my neck within minutes!  And the best part? No chemicals or toxins and NO MEDICAL BILLS!!

A few days later, I used the same "recipe" on my friend and she said it helped her as well.  Same result!!  I'm so thankful that the Lord has provided us with safe, healthy alternatives to traditional medicines!  **

**Please see Medical Disclaimer under the Simple Oils tab at top of page

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Love God by Submitting

If you struggle with submitting to a perfect God, who loves you completely and forever, it will be near impossible to submit to an imperfect husband, who can only love you as much as humanly possible.  Ask God to begin with you.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

101 Ways to Use Young Living's Thieves Blend

Welcome to the Wonderful World of Thieves®

Thieves® Oil Blend is formulated with highly antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-infectious essential oils. 

Thieves® Oil Blend was created based on research of a group of 15th century thieves in France who protected themselves by rubbing themselves with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims.
This Young Living proprietary blend was university tested and found to be highly effective in supporting the immune system and good health. This proprietary blend has also been documented to kill over 99.96% of bacteria it comes into contact with.

 Thieves® Oil Blend – use directly from bottle, diffuse, or dilute with purified water to spritz.
 • Clove (Syzygium aromaticum) has a sweet, spicy fragrance that is stimulating and revitalizing. An important ingredient in Thieves® Blend due to its wonderful immune-enhancing features, its principal constituent is eugenol, an element that is used in the dental industry to numb gums.
 Clove is the highest-scoring single ingredient ever tested for its antioxidant capacity on the ORAC scale.

Lemon (Citrus limon) has antiseptic-like properties and contains compounds that amplify immunity. It promotes circulation, leukocyte formation and lymphatic function.

Cinnamon Bark (Cinnamomum verum) has the wonderful cinnamon scent loved around the world. Warming and stimulating, it is comforting during the cold season. Many people find it highly romantic.
 Historically, cinnamon was so popular it was the main reason behind the occupation of Ceylon by first the Portuguese, then the Dutch and then the British.

Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus radiata) is cooling, refreshing and energizing. Lighter in smell than Eucalyptus globulus, it nevertheless has many of the same health-supporting properties. Because it is relatively gentle and non-irritating, it is the preferred choice for children.
 This variety is one of the most versatile of the eucalyptus oils and is suitable for topical use, diffusing, and even direct inhalation. It has long been an ingredient in some of our most popular blends.

Rosemary* (Rosmarinus officinalis CT cineol) has a fresh, herbaceous, sweet, slightly medicinal aroma. An energizing oil, it may be beneficial for helping to restore mental alertness when experiencing fatigue.

What is Anti? — “Against”
What is Microbial? — “A minute living organism, minute forms of life, which are capable of causing disease including bacteria and fungi.”
Essential Oils create an unfriendly environment which becomes deadly to disease causing bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.

 1. Dilute with V-6 Enhanced Vegetable Oil Complex and apply to cuts or open wounds to prevent infection and promote healing.
 2. Mix with a tablespoon of water, gargle and swallow for a sore throat.
 3. Apply undiluted directly to the skin of your upper chest and throat for bronchitis.
 4. Place a drop on your thumb and apply to the roof of your mouth for a headache.
 5. Put 10-12 drops in a size 00 capsule undiluted and swallow daily for longevity.
 6. For acne, take internally and apply to the skin diluted with Young Living’s V-6carrier oil.
 7. Put directly on the soles of your feet to protect you from colds and flu.
 8. Breathe in the vapors when you have lung congestion.
 9. Use to clean pet cages, creating a healthier environment for them.
 10. Add to your dishwasher for cleaner dishes.
 11. Add to your laundry cycle for cleaner clothes.
 12. Add to your mop water for cleaner floors.
 13. Mix with water to make a spray to repel insects on your flowers and plants.
 14. Use to dissolve the gummy adhesive on price labels.
 15. Apply to bee and wasp stings to neutralize the toxin and relieve the pain.
 16. Apply to gums to prevent and treat gum disease.
 17. Apply orally to maintain healthy teeth and reduce cavities.
 18. Apply to gums and teeth for pain relief from toothaches.
 19. Diffuse in homes or business to solve mold problems.
 20. Add to orange juice and drink to reduce phlegm and congestion.
 21. Apply to broken bones or joints for pain relief and to hasten healing.
 22. Put a drop in your cup of tea for flavor and to maintain health.
 23. Put on the tip of your tongue to help you stop smoking.
 24. Put on cold sores and canker sores to make them disappear.
 25. For warts, apply topically, inhale and ingest in capsules to make them disappear.
 26. Rub on sore joints to relieve arthritis pain.
 27. Drink a few drops in water or juice every three hours to stop a cold.
 28. Place a drop on the tongue and a drop in a glass of water every day for herpes.
 29. Rub on the bottoms of children’s feet for protection before school every day.
 30. Diffuse in the house as your children come home from school every day to kill airborne bacteria.
 31. Mix 50:50 with V6 vegetable oil and rub on daily for relief of shingles.
 32. Apply a drop on wound of a cat or dog to enhance healing.
 33. Diffuse in the home or office to stimulate a cheerful mood.
 34. Diffuse in the office to increase concentration and work efficiency.
 35. Diffuse in your place of business to ward off germs.
 36. Diffuse in the classroom to reduce student sickness and absenteeism.
 37. Put a few drops in your carpet steamer/cleaner to disinfect carpet.
 38. Mix a few drops with honey or agave in a teaspoon for cough relief.
 39. Breathe and apply for sinus headaches.
 40. Put a drop on a pimple to make it shrink and disappear.
 41. For laryngitis put a drop under your tongue to restore your voice.
 42. Inhale for relief of allergy symptoms.
 43. Take a capsule full every day for relief of Lyme disease symptoms.
 44. Carry a bottle on every flight to protect you from germs on the airplane.
 45. Drop in the heat/AC vents of a hotel to rid it of airborne germs.
 46. Mix with baking soda to clean bathtubs.
 47. Apply undiluted to the toes and feet to combat fungus.
 48. Apply to poison ivy rashes (may need to be diluted with vegetable oil) to relieve the itch.
 49. Drop Thieves® Oil Blend on a cloth to remove permanent marker stains.
 50. Sanitize pierced earrings by cleaning with Thieves® Oil Blend.
 51. Rub on the big toe before retiring to help with proper vision.
 52. Applying Thieves® Oil Blend, diluted 1 drop oil to 5 drops V-6 Mixing Oil, may be helpful in soothing pinkeye and other eye inflammations. (Do Not Get In The Eye.)
 53. Apply 1 drop of Thieves® Oil Blend onto toothbrush to sanitize.

A Special Antibiotic Formula
 In a Double Naught “00″ capsule, combine 10-12 drops of Thieves® Essential Oil Blend
 with 6-8 drops of Oregano, and 2 drops of Frankincense.
Thieves® Household Cleaner Proportion Guide
 One capful of Thieves® Cleaner = 1 tsp.
 Best if used with purified water (do not use water that contains chlorine).
 The GOAL is a Chemically Free Environment ~~ Living Healthy Naturally~~ 
A. All purpose Thieves® Cleaner in a spray bottle: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 1 qt water
B. Light Degreasing: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 3 3/4 cups of water
C. Medium Degreasing: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 2 cups water
D. Heavy Degreasing: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 1 cup water
E. Window and glass cleaner: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 5 quarts water or 1/4 teaspoon to a quart of water for spray bottles
F. Hand cleaner: 1/2 cup Thieves® Cleaner to 1/2 cup water
G. Dishwasher: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner
H. Pot and Pans: 1/2 capful of Thieves® Cleaner to 3 cups water
I. Floors: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 6 1/4 cups water
J. Walls: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to a little less than 2 cups water
K. Fabrics: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 2 cups water
L. Laundry: Depending on size of washer, use 1 to 2 capfuls of Thieves® Cleaner
M. Carpet: 1 capful Thieves® Cleaner to 6 1/4 cups water

 54. Use for bathrooms and toilets to sanitize and freshen.
 55. Use to cut grease on kitchen counters and stovetops.
 56. Use to mop floors to clean and disinfect.
 57. Apply to hands to remove stubborn, sticky substances like tree sap.
 58. Use to wash fruits and vegetables from the supermarket.
 59. Add to the water in your vacuum cleaner/steamer to cleanse the air and disinfect the carpet.
 60. Spray along ant trails in the house to keep them out.
 61. Use to wipe chairs and furniture in school classrooms to cut down on student sickness.
 62. Scrub old floors to remove old varnish and prepare for refinishing.
 63. Clean upholstery.
 64. Clean the upholstery and dashboard of your car.
 65. Soak off burnt food in pots and skillets.
 66. Wipe or soak garbage cans to get them clean, sanitary and smelling fresh.
 67. For tough stains, pour it on as a pre-wash stain remover.
 68. Use undiluted to clean and kill mold on walls and floors or degrease oven

 Diffuse the Thieves® Oil Blend continuously for 24 hours in the room containing mold. Determining the length of diffusion time is directly related to the severity of mold. Clean visible mold with Thieves® Household Cleaner.
 1. Diffuse Thieves® essential oil
 2. Eliminate leaks and moisture.
 3. Clean thoroughly using Thieves® Household Cleaner

 69. Take with the first sniffle and signs of a cold or sore throat to ward it off.
 70. Take prior to singing performances to keep the voice strong and hit the high notes.
 71. Use to hasten the healing when a cold or flu has been contracted.
 72. Suck on one as you enter an airplane to protect you from germs onboard.

 73. Rinse daily for clean breath and to keep teeth and gums healthy.
 74. Gargle before a singing engagement to clear mucus.

 75. Use as a healthy alternative to soap and water to sanitize hands.
 76. Rub on hands to make them soft, fresh and smooth.
 77. Apply to face to clear acne.

 78. Rub on stains as a pre-wash stain remover.
 79. Use as a deodorant or antibacterial hand soap.

 80. Spray on doorknobs in public restrooms to kill germs.
 81. Spray in the throat to restore a lost voice.
 82. Spray hands before and after shaking hands with a lot of people.
 83. Spray in restrooms on airplanes to reduce airborne bacteria.
 84. Spray on vegetables and fruits when washing them.
 85. Carry for protection in countries with cholera, malaria or dysentery.
 86. Use as an air freshener for cooking odors or other unwanted smells.
 87. Take to the gym and spray all the equipment you use.
 88. Take to the supermarket and use to disinfect shopping cart handles.
 89. Use in the classroom for desks, tables and other items handled by children.
 90. Spray in your mouth and throat at first onset of cold or bronchitis.
 91. Spray on shower stalls and bathroom walls to kill and remove mold.

 92. Brush every day to prevent cavities and gum disease.
 93. Use when teeth have been damaged or broken to help them heal.
 94. Use to prevent or heal gum disease.
 95. Apply as an underarm deodorant.

 96. Wipe doorknobs and other things touched by the public.
 97. Wipe dirty piano keys to clean and disinfect.
 98. Use to clean children’s hands when traveling.
 99. Use on the steering wheel and gearshift of your vehicle.
 100. Use on public telephones to remove germs.
 101. Use on public computer keyboards and mice.

 *Information is for educational purposes only and not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prescribe.  Statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

Original Source of this list is unknown, obtained via facebook

Thursday, September 4, 2014

New Things...

I'm not usually fond of new things.  I prefer comfortable and worn, cozy and familiar.  New makes me nervous, anxious, and sometimes, afraid.  When the seasons change, I'm often sad for what is past, but hopeful for what it to come.  It's the hope that overshadows the fear.  

"Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare... "  Isaiah 42:9 KJV

New doesn't have to make you afraid.  New car? dress? stationary?  Those things can be new to you and bring happiness.  The new isn't what brings the fear, is it?   So, what is it?  I believe that fear does NOT come from the Lord.  Fear is the devil's way of drawing your focus from what God would have you do...think of Moses?  He was afraid when God called him......

That's all Moses did, wasn't it?  He decided to try...to trust.  And so, here I sit....trying out this "blog" thing, attempting to share my thoughts with you.  I'm no expert on anything.  I'm a simple wife, mom, friend, daughter, and follower of Jesus Christ.  Hopefully, there's something here to inspire, educate, or humor you, but if nothing else, I hope you find the courage to try.

Why Buy a Premium Starter Kit?

 Why Buy a Premium Starter Kit?

Want a kit that includes all the things you need to start your essential oil journey?  What if I told you that you could order over $300 in Young Living products for just *$150?  Look no further.....the Premium Starter Kit is here...
  • Wholesale prices on all future orders
  • No minimums, fees, commitments or pressure...EVER!
  • Opportunity to make extra income should you decide to share oils with others
  • Option to participate in the Essential Rewards program and earn more discounts and FREE PRODUCTS!!
*plus tax and shipping

How do I take advantage of this awesome opportunity?

Click here:     shareyl.com/SimpleScents    
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